Fun Friday it is! Your creativity knows no bounds with all the resources introduced to us today. Music, words, pics, and colors of all shapes, sizes and designs can be used to make the SMC an extraordinary and fun place to learn using technology tools. We can teach our students how to WOW their classmates with a presentation that's sure to engage their audience. We can also use these tools to decorate the SMC by personalizing posters with student images and using student work.
Kristi and I worked together to create a presentation in ZOHO Show, an awesome online presentation tool similar to Microsoft Power Point. The program proved easy to navigate with many features to make your presentation come alive. All the other presentation sharing tools demonstrated by other classmates was pretty impressive. The majority of the programs were found to be easy-to-use and quick to learn, but most of all fun to work in. Taking notes in Webspiration was such a creative way to record key ideas and continually re-organize them.